Writing an Autobiography

ENG 408, Section Y and Y1 (BGS Only)

Professor: Evelina M. Galang
Sample Syllabus: Sample Syllabus
Course Overview:

Everyone has a story to tell.  What is yours?  ENG 408, Writing the Autobiography, is an exploration of the personal essay.  What it is, what makes it work, and how to write one. This course asks its members to read and write.  In addition to responding to each other’s personal essays, every you will read published essays, watch videos, and conduct interviews through the StoryCorps app. These exercises, combined with online class discussions, creative responses, and class critiques will lead to the drafting of one complete essay, a workshop, and revision of that essay. Workshops will critique short pieces between 7-12 pages.  This workshop is about reading, writing and revising so plug in your laptops and let’s go!
